Chapter Thirty - The End of the First Tale

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The free web serial has now been taken down, but you can buy the collected episodes as a novella for the princely sum of 99c from either Smashwords or Amazon for the Kindle!

You can also follow Liss on Twitter @LissHunt.


Adam Byatt said...

This serial has been a whole lot of fun. Nice way to wrap things up. Must attend to my serial soon *looks away sheepishly*
Can't wait for the ebook.
Adam B

Icy Sedgwick said...

It'll be out on 14th September!

Unknown said...

Applause! And an ebook? How wonderful! I'll be there with bells on. :)

Great wrap-up, Icy. And now I'm ready for The Second Tale.

Very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation on delivering 30 episodes of a serial and never letting up on the quality. I must also commend you on the pacing in particular. As I reread a whole chunk to get back up to date I appreciated how you built the tension. A difficult thing I am finding indeed especially because your readers get on with their lives for 7 days between installments.

I am looking forward to the eBook and NaNo to herald in the New Age of Vertgo. Long Live the revolution.

Jason Coggins said...

God damn ... just when I think I've cracked the mystery of Open Id I fail!

Jen said...

What a perfect day to finish reading, just before the ebook is released! Great story, Icy. My only complaint is I *still* don't know what happened to Three!

Icy Sedgwick said...

Don't worry, Jen. As of tomorrow, you can find out!

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